Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group and Save-A-Lot Food Stores have joined forces to raise awareness of the plight of millions of families in the United States who live in food deserts — large geographic areas with very few, if any, grocery stores. The Food Desert & Food Balance Community Fact Sheet, authored by Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting and supported by the hard discount food retailer, explains in-depth the problem so many Americans face today and the health consequences for those who live in food deserts. The 14-page report contains beautiful illustrations that bring the metrics and definitions to life. This is a must-read for anyone working on a local food assessment or interested in studying and improving community health. The Fact Sheet includes an introductory letter from Save-A-Lot President and Chief Executive Officer Bill Shaner. He cited MG research as a compelling motivator to expand from 1,200 stores to 2,400 stores over the next five years. Be kind to the environment: instead of photocopying, share the link. A limited number of copies were printed with union labor from a Women Business Enterprise using toxin-free, petroleum-free, 100% natural materials.